Decadent Death
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Lola and Gabby order the Decadent Death dessert at their weekly cake conference.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Lola and Gabby order the Decadent Death dessert at their weekly cake conference.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany “MORE CHAOS, PLEASE! Gabby’s husband Brian buys green toe shoes to wear nature camping.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
These three short essays are based on real events from my life. I discovered it is not easy (for me, anyway) to write in the first person. After this, I think I will stick to writing fiction.
I wanted to write an interior story. So, most of this story takes place inside the head of the protagonist. Also, except for the mention of a deceased actress, only the non-human characters have names.
Someone is being literal!
Created by Janine Gleason and Evangeline Pineschi.
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
From Eddy’s collection.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Evi Pineschi)
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