Umbrella mishap
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Gabby struggles in the wind and rain with a stubborn umbrella and scattering coins.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Gabby struggles in the wind and rain with a stubborn umbrella and scattering coins.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
In Central Park, Brian and Axel encounter a large man who litters. Axel objects.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Mo wants a new tablet device. Lola and Eddy say no.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Mo and Shannon encounter a rude passenger riding the subway.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Lola and April go to the toy store. It does not go well.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
A visual to accompany MORE CHAOS, PLEASE!
Lola meets Irv the janitor. It does not go well.
(Artwork: Janine Gleason; Karen Drastal)
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